Simcity 4 maps
Simcity 4 maps

simcity 4 maps

These are very widespread and will work anywhere apart from low-wealth jobs, and will constitute the majority of your residents in the middle of the game. These live in larger, low-density buildings and require basic education and health facilities to grow. It is desirable to connect these to mass transit as they prefer using buses and trains as their means of getting to work. As they have very low needs, these will be your staple people in the early game. These will primarily live in high-density buildings and prefer to work in industry and agriculture. There are three kinds of residents, determined by wealth levels: Residential buildings start off at small houses and eventually grow to apartment blocks, large tenements up to towering highrises. You will want to keep this area away from pollution and near potential jobs. Residential is where your people will live.

simcity 4 maps simcity 4 maps

There are three different kinds of zones to your disposal: In SimCity, to get people into your city you will need to create zones.

Simcity 4 maps